The Burial Process

After Janazah prayers, the deceased body is transported to the grave site. The Islamic norms and practices are such that a rich or poor man will be buried in the same way.
Some points to consider:
• A Muslim is not buried in a coffin. They are buried in the bare grave, wrapped in their Kafn (shroud). A description is in Appendix IV.
• Building of monuments and extravagance is not acceptable.
The Muslim Method of Burial
1. After the Janazah Salaah is performed the deceased should be buried as soon as possible. The Janazah should be carried and placed at the Qiblah side of the grave. The head should be on the right side of the grave if one faces the Qiblah.
2. It is desirable that a Mahram or close relatives (of a female deceased) enter the grave to lower the body. The husband should not enter the grave to bury his wife but he is allowed according to the Shafi’ee Madhhab. It is not Sunnah that there be an odd number. All those who enter the grave should face the Qiblah.
3. It is Mustahab to hold a sheet over the grave while lowering and burying a female. If there is fear of her Kafn opening, then it is Wajib to do so.
4. It is Mustahab for those present to recite this Du`a whilst the body is being lowered:

In the name of Allah and on the creed, religion and faith of Rasulullah (saw)
5. After placing the body into the recess of the grave it is Sunnah to turn it onto its Right side to face the Qiblah.
6. The strips of cloth tied at the head side, chest and leg side should now be untied.
7. The recess should then be covered with unbaked bricks, bamboo or timber.
8. It is Mustahab to begin closing the recess or trench from the leg side for males and from the head side for females. All the remaining little openings should be closed with mud or grass. The use of any fabric or blankets is unnecessary and wasteful. All those present should participate to fill the kabr with at least three handfuls of soil. When throwing the first handful in the grave recite:

From the earth did We create you
During the second handful:

and into it shall We return you.
At the time of the third handful:

and from it shall We bring you out once again.
Burial of Stillborn Child
A stillborn child can be named, should be given Ghusl, wrapped in a piece of cloth (not Kafn) and buried in a respectable manner. There is no Janazah Salaah for stillborn children.
Burial of a Miscarried Child
In the case of a miscarriage, if the limbs are formed, then the child can be named, be given Ghusl, wrapped in a piece of cloth and buried just as
a stillborn child. If the limbs are not formed, no name will be given and there will be no Ghusl. A malformed child should just be wrapped in a piece of cloth and buried.